Today's Deal – Provided by C&E Holidays

9D San Francisco, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Vegas & Yosemite

$1588 SGD $1508
  • OUR PRICE $1508
  • YOU SAVE 5%
NOTE: This package is no longer available. Click here for similar packages.
9D San Francisco, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Vegas & Yosemite
Tuesday tour starts on May 16
Tour Fare Includes:
* Hotels
* Transportation with Liability Insurance
* San Francisco Airport Transfer Service (one way from SFO)
Note: There will be a surcharge for all SFO/BAY AREA hotel during high season.
Exclude fees on optional tours.
Land tour package does not include flight tickets.
Hometown - San Francisco City Tour
Airport (SFO) transfer in, Discover America’s most picturesque and culturally diverse city – San Francisco. Highlights include: Civic Center, Twin Peaks, Golden Gate Park, Golden Gate Bridge, Palace of Fine Arts, Fisherman’s Wharf, Market Street and Chinatown.
** Please arrange the arrival time in San Francisco (SFO) airport before 11am, for all customers joining the SF City Tour at the same day. Any arrival after 11am, the city tour will be considered voluntary forfeit and no refunds will be given.

團友搭乘飛機, 抵達世界名城舊金山, 接機後專業導遊為您作全日風光介紹, 遍及本市各處名勝古蹟。行程包括:金門大橋、聯合廣場、財經中心、漁人碼頭、金門公園、市政中心、市場大道、中國城、藝術宮、雙子峰等等。本市人口七十多萬, 移民與外裔佔半數以上, 乃典型之國際都市。
- 請訂11:00am以前到達舊金山(SFO)的班機, 若因班機延誤或其他因素未能準時到達, 當日市區遊將視同自動放棄, 相關費用不予退回.
- 如遇班機延誤, 請務必立即通知本公司另作接機安排, 否則所有附加費用需由客人負責.

Hotel: Hotel Focus SFO or similar
Bay Area - Sacramento - Elko
Visit the California State Capital – Sacramento. Founded in 1849, Sacramento was at the heart of the gold rush, Pony Express and first continental railroad. In the afternoon head through the famous Donner Pass and enter Nevada – nicknamed the Silver State. Overnight stay in Elko, a famous gold mine town.

由舊金山起程, 前往加州首府沙加緬度(Sacramento),抵達後參觀州政府大廈,該大廈建於1874年,是加州眾議院,參議院及州長辦公室所在地,歷經百余年仍完好如新。之後翻越內華達山,經Doner Pass進入內華達州, 越過大旱湖及40哩沙漠,沿中國勞工參與興建的美國第一條橫貫鐵路東行,夜宿金礦之都艾可市。

Hotel: Red Lion Inn or similar
Elko – Salt Lake City - West Yellowstone
In the morning head for Salt Lake City,Sacramento the capital of Utah and the Mormon capital of the world. On the way, you will be in awe by the vastness of the salt flats and enchanted by the beauty of the Great Salt Lake, the largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere. In the afternoon travel along the Wasatch Mountains and pass through land of scorched rocks. These lava fields of barren expanse have been underlain by rhyolite and overlain by basalt over thousands of years. Overnight in West Yellowstone.

直駛猶他州首府鹽湖城, 途經世界奇景大鹽湖(Great Salt Lake)。一望無際, 不禁令人贊嘆造物者的神奇偉大。午後沿瓦薩奇山脈(Wasatch Mountains)北行, 穿越美國最大玄武巖熔巖區, 但見巉巖林立, 百孔千瘡, 扭曲變形, 似乎讓人看到火山巖漿燃燒時的壯觀情形。傍晚進入落基山脈上西部風情小鎮-西黃石。夜宿西黃石。

Hotel: Yellowstone Country Inn or White Buffalo or Travelers Lodge or similar
Yellowstone National Park – Grand Teton - Jackson - Pocatello
Visit Yellowstone National Park, the first and oldest National Park in the world. Highlights include: Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, Fountain Paint Pot Geyser Basin, Midway Geyser Basin, and the most famous one of all, the “Old Faithful”. There are various wildlife that calls the park its home, such as the bison, moose, and the grizzly bear. Continue on to Grand Teton National Park, the tallest peak rises to 13,770 feet and twelve of the peaks in Teton reach above 12,000 feet and support a dozen mountain glaciers. Then tour the town of Jackson, beautiful arches made of elk antlers decorate the central plaza in this town with plenty of shops and restaurants around the area. Overnight stay in Pocatello.

遊攬黃石公園各處奇景, 包括:黃石峽谷, 黃石瀑布, 彩虹飛瀑, 白泥潭, 翡翠穴, 黃石溝, 刨花泉, 彩虹池, 黃石湖及世界七大奇景之一老忠實間歇泉(Old Faithful Geyser)等等。遊畢經黃石湖, 路易斯湖到達大提頓國家公園(Grand Teton National Park), 山川壯麗, 氣象萬千, 傑克遜湖水平如鏡, 遊帆點點, 恍如隔世。繼遊懷俄明州(Wyoming)的西部牛仔之鄉傑克遜鎮(Jackson), 參觀遠近馳名的鹿茸園, 由數萬鹿角搭成之巨型拱門, 每年吸引數百萬遊客於此留影。夜宿波加特邏(Pocatello)。

Hotel: Clarion Hotel or similar
Pocatello - Salt Lake City – Bryce Canyon
Upon arrival in Salt Lake City, tour the famous Temple Square and learn about the Mormon settlement in depth. In the Afternoon, head to Bryce Canyon National Park. The limited archeological findings indicate that this area was used primarily for hunting with most habitation in the river valleys below. Over time, erosion has carved colorful limestone into thousands of spires, fins, arches and mazes. The formations collectively called “hoodoos,” and are arranged and tinted with various colors.

南行至猶他州, 之後進入鹽湖城(Salt Lake City), 參觀鹽湖城市內風景及耶穌基督末世聖徒教會之聖地-聖殿廣場(Temple Square)。繼而前往海拔八千呎高的布萊斯峽谷國家公園, 上萬個由風霜雪雨, 歷經百萬年侵蝕而成的石柱, 有的如寶劍直插入雲, 有的如少女婷婷玉立, 由不得您贊嘆宇宙滄海桑田和造物者的神奇。

Hotel: Bryce View Lodge or similar
Bryce Canyon City-Optional: Antelope Canyon-Horse Shoe Bend-Zion National Park – Las Vegas
Head to Antelope Canyon in the morning. (Optional: Lower Antelope Canyon). It is known as a slot canyon in which rainwater runs into the extensive basin above the slot canyon sections. As the water rushes into the narrow passageways, over time the passageways are eroded away, making the corridors deeper and into what you would experience today. The sunlight filtering down from the top makes magical and beautiful patterns and shadows on the curved sandstone walls. Then hike to Horse Shoe Bend, where Colorado River makes a horseshoe shaped bend at the beginning of the Grand Canyon. The view is breathtaking but watch your footing as there are no guard rails at viewpoint. Continue to Zion National Park. The name Zion is a Hebrew word meaning a place of refuge. Experience the dramatic landscape of sculptured canyons and soaring cliffs. Arrive in Las Vegas in the evening and accommodations will be at the Excalibur Hotel, named for the mythical sword of King Arthur. Immerse yourself in the castle themed resort right in the middle of the Las Vegas Strip.

驅車前往羚羊彩穴,在當地印第安人領引下,遊覽下羚羊峽谷(Lower Antelope Canyon)。羚羊彩穴世界上著名的狹縫型峽谷, 經千萬年洪水的沖刷, 風的侵蝕, 在砂巖壁上形成了奇特的紋路,已是全世界攝影家追逐的聖地。下羚羊峽谷在納瓦荷語中稱為 “Hasdeztwazi”(意為“拱狀的螺旋巖石) ,陽光穿過羚羊谷上方狹窄的空間, 在砂巖上跳躍變幻, 形成一組組不可思議的光的圖案。繼往由科羅拉多河270度大迴轉切割而成的"馬蹄灣" (Horseshoe Bend), 陡峭的巖壁, 如刀切一般筆直, 俯身觀之, 倒吸一口涼氣, 不由地令人贊嘆大自然的神奇與壯美。接着遊覽秀麗的錫安國家公園, 雄偉的赤壁, 潺潺的溪流, 傲立的蒼松, 冰河的遺跡, 使您尤如於置身世外桃源。下午抵達舉世聞名的大賭城-拉斯維加斯。夜宿拉斯維加斯。

Hotel: Excalibur Hotel and Casino or similar
Choose one of the two optional tours: Grand Canyon south rim/Grand Canyon West Rim
Option 1: Grand Canyon South Rim
The Grand Canyon offers one of the most spectacular examples of erosion not found anywhere in the world. Canyon National Park is a designated World Heritage Site and is unmatched in the incomparable vistas that it offers to visitors on the rim. Overnight stay in Las Vegas.
上午驅車經過全美最高的胡佛水壩。接著前往世界奇景之一的大峽谷國家公園, 其壯觀與艷麗無與倫比, 再由各個不同的角度來欣賞光與峽谷岩壁折射的奇景, 峽谷深不可測, 令您不得不讚嘆大自然之偉大。

Option 2: Grand Canyon West Rim “The Skywalk”
Your journey begins from stopping by the magnificent Hoover Dam and then on to the Majestic Hualapai Indian Reservation where is located at the West Rim of the Grand Canyon. You can walk along the rim of this great wonder of nature – unblemished by modern civilization. You may walk on the Skywalk (Optional tour). David Jin, the man who conceived and funded Skywalk makes this U-shaped platform, which extends 70ft over the edge and about 4,000 feet over the canyon floor. You may also select to take the Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and view the majestic Grand Canyon with a bird’s eye view. (Optional tour). Overnight stay in Las Vegas.

經停美國歷史上其中一項偉大的水利及建築工程-胡佛水壩, 接著前往世界七大奇景之一「大峽谷」, 大峽谷西緣屬於Hualapai印第安保留區。華人David Jin在此建設透明的玻璃橋, 懸空4,000多呎, 能支撐71架波音747的重量, 團友可自費踏步於『天空步道』上, 並可自費參加「西峽谷直升機天空遊」,乘搭直升機空中鳥瞰這鬼斧神工的大峽谷, 以飛鷹的角度環視大峽谷的天然奇景, 在坐上飛機後整趟的行程在空中鳥瞰大峽谷及其壯麗雄偉的地貌,有別於沿著峽谷邊緣在觀賞的角度上受到限制,而飛機上的乘坐空間寬敞,適合拍照的大型窗戶,飛機的機翼設計於高側無障礙視野,飛行約25分鐘觀賞大峽谷及創造大峽谷9百萬年的美國3大河域的科羅拉多河讓遊客看到大峽谷的精華位置,鳥瞰老鷹岩eagle point ,蝙蝠岩guano point 自2億五千萬年到25億年的大峽谷九大岩層。盡收眼底,導覽過程中有中文及英文語音導覽及生動有趣的故事介紹大峽谷的背景,讓遊客在觀賞大峽谷的過程中留下深刻的記憶。

Hotel: Excalibur Hotel and Casino or similar
Las Vegas – Tulare Outlet – Fresno
We will depart from Las Vegas in the morning; and then head onward to the Tulare Shopping Outlet Center. Here you will be able to find your favorite brands at discounted prices. After that we will head to Fresno for an overnight stay.

離開拉斯維加斯, 到達大型工廠直銷中心參觀選購琳瑯滿目的各式商品。下午直駛加州中部農業重鎮弗雷斯諾。

Hotel: Piccadilly Inn Airport Fresno or similar
Fresno - Yosemite National Park - San Francisco - Transfer out
From waterfalls that drop thousands of feet, and endless mountain ridges, Yosemite National Park can be considered one of the most famous scenic spots in the Western United States. Arrive in Yosemite National Park in the afternoon. Highlights include: Tunnel View, Bridal Veil Falls, El Captain, Merced River, Yosemite Falls, Half Dome.
After the tour, we will transfer you to the San Francisco airport.

** Please arrange your air-ticket departure from San Francisco (SFO) airport after 10:30pm.
遊覽美西最負盛名的優山美地國家公園, 一路怪石嶙峋、懸崖峭壁、千丈飛瀑、 萬里峰巒、彷彿罝身世外。公園內著名景緻區如下: 新娘面紗瀑布、船長巨岩、 昆仲斜岩石、金沙江、觀瀑橋、半球巨岩、斷層飛瀑、南眺景等。
行程結束, 送往舊金山機場。

- 請訂10:30pm後離開舊金山(SFO)的班機.
Land tour package does not include flight tickets.
Departure Date Adult Twin Adult Triple Adult Single Child With Bed Child No Bed Child Half Twin
Jul 1, 2018 to Nov 30, 2018
9D San Francisco, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Vegas & Yosemite
No review available.
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